Katzsoul Productions. No government funding. total creativity.

Katzsoul Productions

Judgement Day

A short film by Isaac M. Katz. With Isaac M. Katz, Marcio Attie and Silmar Osório.

The eternal arab-israeli conflict invades comedy. All that our hero wanted was to buy a kosher jelly. A simple task that reveals itself disastrous. And now he needs to convince the Dream Master to get out a permanente coma!
Time to review our concepts… Time for Judgement Day.

O eterno conflito árabe -israelense invade a comédia.
Tudo o que nosso herói quer é comprar uma geléia kosher. Uma tarefa simples que se revela desastrosa. E agora ele vai ter de convencer a Mestre dos Sonhos para sair de um coma permanente!

Judgement Day: Curta-metragem de Isaac M. Katz. Com Isaac M. Katz, Marcio Attie e Silmar Osório.

Clemilda e eu

A fine comedy sketch, starring Mister Yetzer Hara. He teaches us that it’s never just work. It’s your self-esteem that is on the line. Written and directed by: Isaac M. Katz Cast: Fernando Carneiro, Nadia Lamas and Isaac M. Katz

Um belo sketch de comédia, estrelando Mister Yetzer Hara. Ele nos ensina que nunca é apenas trabalho. É a sua auto-estima que está em jogo. Escrito e dirigido por : Isaac M. Katz Elenco: Fernando Carneiro, Nadia Lamas e Isaac M. Katz

Message from the President to Mr. Sanders and Mr. Schummer

Important message of the President and CEO forever to democrat jewish senators Sanders and Schumer.

Check it out!

New Message of the President to heads of us universities.

Important message from the President to the three top heads of american universities. And no, it does not depend on the context.

My good friend

Without further delay, I present to you my dear friend.

Actually, my dear enemy: Mister Yetzer Hará.

Message from the President: LIsten Parents.

Mr. President has an important message to parents